Jai Sat Packaging

Automatic Cooling Tunnel

Automatic Tunnel

Automatic Cooling Tunnel

Tunnel Type very efficient heat transfer system to cool the bottles back to ambient temperature so that they can be packed immediately. The unit incorporates a plate heat exchanger with systematic piping which reduces energy consumption

Capacity:Machine Available With 50 BPM to 400 BPM Capacities.
Main Drive:5 HP, Siemens Make Variable Frequency Drive.
Speed Control: By Potential Meter.

Air Blower 2 HP for blowing air off the bottle

  • Initially, all of the tanks are filled with water and heated with steam to the desired working temperature.
  • Each tank’s temperature is then set, and the steam is turned off. The temperature of each zone is then maintained with the use of hot bottles.
  • Bottles are maintained at a temperature of 85 degrees Celsius for three minutes in the first tank where they enter the machine, with water circulating.
  • This tank receives no heat or cooling water from the same tank.
  • With four zones, the total time for bottles to pass through the cooler is 21 minutes.
  • The bottles take 3 minutes to fill in the first zone, then 18 minutes to fill in the following three zones, at a rate of 6 minutes per zone. In the same zone, water from a tank is circulated.
  • In the case of zones 2,3,4, zone 4 is at the machine’s outlet end, where the temperature is 35 degrees Celsius.
  • The temperature of the zone rises above the predetermined point when a hot bottle is sprayed with water from that zone.
  • When the temperature in the zone exceeds the predetermined temperature, cool water at 35 degrees Celsius is pumped into the zone from the heat exchanger, decreasing the temperature
  • A buffer tank returns the overflow hot water to the heat exchanger.
  • Water from the cooling tower is used to cool the water in the PHE.
  • Drip trays in the cooling tower evenly disperse water across the bottles. The Blower removes any remaining Water on the bottle when it exits the 4th zone.
  • The main conveyor is made of stainless-steel wire chain, while the body shell is made of stainless steel with cleaning manholes.
  • All of the water spray boxes are made of stainless steel and can be cleaned by removing the machine’s top covers
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